November 17, 2001
Here comes Santa Clause... I

Here comes Santa Clause...

I was reading Netdork's blog today and he brought up the subject of how quickly the stores have started preparing for Christmas. It's sickening to think how much this holiday is commercialized. I've been trying to think about when I started seeing "Christmas" stuff in the stores, and I think it was just around Halloween. Each year it seems to be happening earlier and earlier. I went into Walmart last night and they were already completely decked out with Christmas stuff. Lights, trees, ornaments were everywhere! I started sinking into the "must buy new cool light system for house this year" haze and then the fierce pinching of my empty purse reminded me that I don't have the money to spend.

BTW, what the hell is it with Christmas lights? Why is it that we feel the need to have the newest version of light decoration on the block? Every year they come out with a new design for lights and every year, I feel this urge to buy the new light design. Last year's design was pretty neat looking although I don't see them in the stores this year. This must be because they were a PITA to hang, but they still looked cool.

Anyway, I digress. Why is it that we take holidays that are supposed to have a special meaning and turn them into a huge spending spree? How many kids these days even know why we celebrate Christmas, or any other holiday for that matter?

Posted by Shadoe at November 17, 2001 10:13 PM
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