November 18, 2001
Movie Reviews Well, the Movie

Movie Reviews

Well, the Movie Reviews for Harry Potter are starting to trickle in, and from the sound of it, I don't think there will be a problem when the Lord of the Rings comes out in a couple of weeks. Adam posted his review of the movie and it sounds like it fell flat. I'm just hoping above all hope that the Lord of the Rings is really spectacular. I would hate to go see it and be let down, like all those people were that saw Episode 1.

Speaking of which, I will be going to Burger King on November 23. Via Tolkien Online

Beginning November 23rd, BURGER KING® customers can be a part of the highly-anticipated New Line release, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, by collecting authentic, glass goblets featuring the movie’s leading characters: Frodo, Arwen, Gandalf and Strider. All four Middle Earth goblets are available while supplies last for $1.99 with the purchase of a WHOPPER® sandwich Value Meal at participating restaurants.

I am so there, dude.

Posted by Shadoe at November 18, 2001 09:31 PM
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