...for making big butts be in fashion. However, ladies, instead of going out and getting butt implants, just sit on your ass for a while and eat something with fat in it. Trust me, you'll get the look you want for your butt, and it's a lot cheaper than $4,250 per bun.
Dealing with all of the email that is in my box because I was out sick on Monday and being forced to listen to Abba first thing in the morning makes for a very very very long day. Can I go back home?
Ok, if you haven't heard me say this before, I have cats. Two of them. If you know anything about indoor cats, you know that you have to clean the litter box. All the time... like every hour... especially if you have two cats. If you do not keep the litter box clean, the cats find other places to go to the bathroom, and it's not in the toilet (although I know of people who have taught their cats to use the toilet). Not to mention the fact that the house eventually begins to smell of, well, you can figure that out.
Well, another friend of mine, Netdork made a post a while back about the automatic cat litter box cleaner. After hearing how happy he was with it, I decided to spend the $90 to get it, and I'm very very happy that I did. The only problem that I have with it is that if I don't get premium scoopable cat litter, it doesn't work all that well. However, other than that, it's da bomb. If you have a cat, you need to get this device. If you have two cats, it is a must have in the house. Trust me. Your family will thank you. Your cat will thank you.
This is so not cool. Now, instead of ordering my pizza online, I have to actually get up from the computer and pick up my phone and speak to someone in real life. Let us all have a moment of silence for Papa Johns and hope that they will be back online soon. ;)
So the other morning I was driving to work on I95, minding my own business. I wasn't going the speed limit, but I was going with traffic and I thought I had left enough space between me and the vehicle in front of me (about 2 car lengths). Suddenly, the guy in front of me swerved violently to the left to avoid a yard long piece of tire that was sitting on it's edge. I didn't have a chance to swerve around it as well and I ended up hitting it. I heard a really loud crack, but the truck was still handling ok and nothing changed on the gauges, so I continued on to work. When I got there, I got out to look at my truck and on the right rear passenger side, the fiberglass moulding around the wheel well had been broken loose and bent backwards. My bumper was also a little scrapped up, although it can be easily fixed. All in all it was around a $100 in damage to my truck.
After talking to my bf, it turns out that I was pretty lucky. Those things can break gas and brake lines, so thank God that didn't happen.
As you can probably gather, I've been riding with my bf quite a bit when I'm off and he's driving. Most of the time when I ride with him, we are "bobtailing" (driving without a trailer) down to Orlando, pick up a mail load and bring it back. We usually have the CB on so that we can hear what's going on as far as traffic is concerned. I guess I'm starting to become a "trucker babe" because I'm starting to understand the lingo they use on the CB... or at least I thought I was. The other night, we were bobtailing to Orlando and someone going east bound on I-4 got on the CB and said "Westbound, bobtail, what are you leaving behind you?" Now I immediately think that something has fallen off the truck or that one of the tires is coming apart or something. Turns out that all he was asking was if we saw any cops or traffic problems along the way. And of course we had a great laugh at my expense. ::sigh::
So is there anyone out there that is still reading my blog? I know I have been bad of late about keeping this thing updated. I guess I'm going through the blog blues or something, I haven't really felt the energy to get on my computer when I get home from work and write stuff. I'm sure part of it also has to do with the fact that I have been going with my bf at night when he drives down to Orlando to pick up a mail load. Regardless, I hope that I do have some readers out there still that are hanging around. I'll try to start posting more again. :)
My mom and Tsar went to their third endurance race this weekend, and came in second place out of a field of 23 horses! Great job, mom, we are very proud of you!
and that was the only way I would be allowed to date, tee hee. Well, I guess I outdid my self this time in that the guy I have been seeing drives a Freightliner. I guess that makes me a trucker babe? mama? bitch? Whatever. Anywho, I've been able to go on a few runs with him down to Orlando or around the city, and I like riding with him. I've wanted to get my CDL, since learning about it will help me understand how to drive a gooseneck horse trailer. I'm not sure if I would want to go into truck driving though... he's had to back the trailers up into some pretty tight places and I'm not sure I could do something like that. Driving a bumper pull trailer and putting it where you want it is difficult enough, I can only imagine how difficult it is with fifth wheel.
I've always been interested in the big rigs, not sure why. I wish I loved to drive as much as he does... If I did, I would quit my job and drive with him. He makes very good money and he is home every night because he takes instate runs. The only thing limiting him is the amount of time that he is legally allowed to be on the road and if he wants to drive that day.
The rig itself is pretty cool. It has a tv, vcr, and frig that all run off the truck. There are two beds in the sleeping area in a sort of bunk bed design. The cab itself rides on airbags, and the seats in the truck are on airbags as well, which makes it a lot more comfortable than you would think. Surprisingly, the truck has cruise control, which I never would have thought those rigs have something like that.
I wonder how long it will be before I'm going to be allowed to drive the truck, hehehe. He's already told me that he wants me to learn how to drive it. I'm definetly nervous about that, but I still think it would be fun. ;)
I have this irrational urge to be on the show Trading Spaces. I think it would be entertaining to do that with someone that you are really pissed off with, but they don't know how mad you are. Then when you get Hildi as the designer for their house, you can encourage her to create the hologram look from Star Trek in the person's home. (To see what I am talking about, click here and then look for Quakertown: Quaker's Way and then Hilda's room. ) Ok, so I'm mean. :)