January 25, 2002
If you fall off the horse, get back on!

Working with horses, I've learned the cardinal rule, which is: If you fall off the horse, you need to get right back on. Otherwise, you'll be scared the next time. Here's yet another good reason to get back on: If you are in a race, and you get unseated and get back on to finish the race, you could win the race! Yesterday, Tony McCoy learned this first hand in a horse race in England.

Horse racing in England is a little bit different from what we do here in the states. England's races have fences that the horses have to jump. In this particular race, Tony went off his horse at the 10th fence and found out that most everyone else ahead of him had gone of their horse as well. Someone drove him up to where his horse was, he got on it and rode it back to the fence he went off at and then finished the race. Surprisingly, everyone else had fallen off their horses, so he ended up winning the race! How's that for a weird race.

Posted by Shadoe at January 25, 2002 06:20 PM
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