November 07, 2001
"Can we do this?" I

"Can we do this?"

I watched Enterprise tonight after not watching it for a couple of episodes, and something finally clicked that made me decide that I will continue to watch the show. It wasn't T'Pol's opening up a little more, although that was interesting to watch. It was Captain Archer's wonder at finding the comet. It reminded me of the series From Earth to the Moon. During "Can we do this?", there is a scene where Ed White has stepped out of the space capsule for the first American space walk. The look on his face, the excitement that he was feeling about what he was doing... I was reminded of that tonight while watching Enterprise. To me, that's what this show needs to be more focused on... the wonder, the excitement of exploration of space.

Posted by Shadoe at November 07, 2001 10:33 PM
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