November 09, 2001
Packing! Woohoo! My camping trip


Woohoo! My camping trip is tomorrow, and I'm very excited. The only down side is that I have to be up at the butt crack of dawn so that I can be over at my mom's by 6:45am. To maximize my sleep potential for tonight, I packed up all of the horse stuff into the trailer. What a job.

So how do you pack for the horse? Good question. Since I'm taking Glori and Reiny will be going to my mom's, I'll have to pack for both of them. This means that I have to pack enough hay and feed for them which won't be too bad, since I'll only be gone overnight. I'll need to pack more hay for Glori so that she will have enough for the return trip. Basically, what it sums up to is the following list:

4 Flakes Coastal hay for Reiny.
6 Flakes Coastal hay for Glori.
2 Feedings each of Seminole Pellets
Glori's Coggins
Grooming Box
Saddle and pad
Halter and lead rope

And all of that is just for my horses! Now I've got to pack for me. The funny thing is that it will probably take me less time to pack for me than for them. Ah well, it's worth the effort. Hope to get lots of pictures so that I can get them up on the site.

Posted by Shadoe at November 09, 2001 10:50 PM
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