November 14, 2001
Student Tracking As I'm studying

Student Tracking

As I'm studying for my Site Admin test, I have 20/20 on TV (need some background noise, ya see) and they are talking about student visas and how there are many "students" in the US that are here on expired student visas. The woman that was on from the Immigration department says that at this time they really have no way of tracking these people once they are in the US and that they leave that up to the schools.

I have very mixed emotions about this issue. I feel that there definetly needs to be some sort of tracking in place to make sure that there are not people in this country illegally. However, on the same token, how far is too far? Are they entitled to the same rights and freedoms as a citizen of the US? Should they be issued a "Smart" id card that has fingerprint information inside of it that is capable of tracking their activities in the US?

If you think about it, it is very easy to track a person's activities. Think about how many times you have used your Checkcard today. If you want to drive in the US, you must have a driver's license. To enter most businesses these days as an employee, you must have some form of security badge that has to be displayed at all times. Should every US citizen be required to have a social security card that is a Smart card? One that contains your finger prints, your optical information? Should we ask these people that come into the US with visas to carry something that we don't require our own citizens to carry?

Posted by Shadoe at November 14, 2001 10:44 PM
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