January 20, 2002
How good of a driver

How good of a driver are you?

I was watching the Extreme Driving show on TLC the other day and learned some pretty interesting things about extreme driving conditions that you don't get from the driver's license book. I was actually surprised at how much I actually do know about driving in extreme conditions. For example, if you are driving in a downpour and suddenly your car starts filling up with water, what would you do? First, don't panic. Secondly, wait till the car fills up with water and then open the door. Once the pressure is equalized, you will have no problems getting out of the vehicle.

They had this quiz going on throughout the show. Take the quiz and find out just how good of a driver you really are in these types of situations. I scored a 15 out of 17, which rated me as an excellent driver.

Posted by Shadoe at January 20, 2002 09:43 PM
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